
Friday, December 28, 2007

cough, cough! hack, hack! update

So I called my doctor's office today.

They wanted to prescribe antibiotics for my "cold."

This would be the 5th round of antibiotics I would take this year.

I passed.

The nurse who returned my call said that I could "ride it out" and to call if I got worse. Take Nyquil (yuck!) and Dayquil (double yuck!)

Uh, yeah. Cough, cough!

I have a headache.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Oh, Phin, are you getting any rest at all? I am an anti-antibiotic gal too, and try to avoid them. Here's hoping the coughing ends soon.

Nan said...

I took the antibiotic and it helped, but as soon as I finished it, it seemed to flare back up again. I'm nursing a stuffed up nose and cough again!

Anonymous said...

An idea: If it is still the same on Wednesday, go SEE a doctor. Have them listen to your lungs. You don't wanna "Jim Henson" yourself.