
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hachisuzume & Mariposa

Estor's Mom died on unexpectedly on Monday. During the service for Mary on Friday I was playing with my kleanex and made an image of a butterfly. Early this morning, (around 1:30 am...I haven't really slept well all week, Mary's death is bringing up a lot for me) I was thinking of the service and the kleanex butterfly and wanted to tell Estor how I think of my Mom when I see or hear hummingbirds. (Hachisuzume is hummingbird in Japanese.) Maybe it would help her in her grief if she had a symbol of her mother to think about too. Lying in bed, I saw Monarch butterflies and thought, "mariposa" (Spanish for butterfly, if you didn't know that already : .) Estor's family is hispanic and some people in Mexico believe that the Monarch carries the spirits of dead ancestors to visit (on Dia De Los Muertos, November 2). It wasn't hard to see:


In the mail today, I received a letter from the Nature Conservancy with a story on the plight of hummingbirds, and right there, a hachisuzume was printed on the envelope.

The Universe and Spirit speaks to me and through me.

So, in memory of loved and missed Moms, today's art...


Ragged Around the Edges said...

This gave me chills. You are right, the universe does lead us, often.

Nan said...

I almost forgot to tell you how beautiful this is...

My condolences to Estor.

Nan said...

I had another comment before this one about how good it is that you are open to the possibilities that happen when the universe speaks.

Sorry it didn't take.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Now I understand what you were talking about.

Linda said...

This is an amazing post. "The Universe and Spirit speaks to me and through me". I agree 100% but you have to be open to it. So glad you are! TFS! Beautiful story! I also love your blog by the way!